Month: November 2016

Don’t Fall For Traditional Floral Wallpaper Trap?

While decorating our home interiors, we are always focused on getting the best outcome in terms of designs, creativity and comfort. All of us put in our best efforts to create an exclusive decor. After all no one wants to have his or her bedroom look exactly like the neighbors or resembling close friends room.

We all desire to create exclusivity and seek something different. Whether it is the color scheme, or the furniture or the fabric/upholstery used or the curtains. We want the home interiors to reflect our refined tastes and personality.

In this quest for something different and exclusive, we are normally exploring the market or the website which have already been visited by so many of our friends. In fact it is on their recommendations that we visit those places.

In case you and your friend are doing your home interiors at the same time, I can assure you that in most of the cases everything you purchase or the concept you freeze upon was also explored by your friend. Most of the time when people buy furniture or furnishings around same time, they often end up buying things similar to what others have bought. Reason being, every one is looking for latest designs/concepts, visiting the same places and if the financial budgets are similar the products also end up being of the same trend.


What I am trying to say is :Where is the element of exclusivity ? or the wow factor.


The same is the case when we are looking to buy Wallpaper For Home. Floral Wallpaper For Walls is one over sought for segment of wallpaper. When we are doing interiors of a complete house, we normally have one room or one wall where we love to use Floral Wallcovering.

We normally end up seeing numerous wallpaper catalogues from traditional wallpaper dealers dealing in fixed size rolls. Same patterns, embossing, classical or modern floral backgrounds with glitter gold or silver…… in short I call it a “Traditional Floral Wallpaper Trap”.

When we spend months on planning and refurbishing the interiors, why the wallpaper comes in our mind at the last minute or why is it that we don’t think beyond the same old patterns and designs.

Why not be more creative and impress all our close friends with our personal refined expression of art?

With Custom Wallpaper Printing today we have innumerable design options in Floral Wallpaper For Walls, we can choose from illustrative patterns to watercolor or oil canvas painting effects or we can choose to print a photograph we have shot on one of our visits to the famous gardens or nature reserves.


The fact is that Custom Floral Wallpaper looks far more impressive and creative than a traditional fixed size roll wallpaper. It has more natural beauty, more aesthetic value and more life to it.


With Custom Wallpaper and Custom Wall Murals we have greater freedom to express our fine tastes and preferences, so why fall for a traditional floral wallpaper trap. Explore the world of Custom Wallpaper For Walls and Custom Wall Murals, you are definitely going to be impressed by the innumerable Modern Wallpaper design options available.


Christmas Wallpaper For Kid’s Room


Create a rich and glowing semblance with mere usage of this Custom Wall Mural to make a striking wall decor design. Let Christmas be a little more than just exciting and gleeful, not for just one day, but each day of the year by incorporating this Tree Wallpaper Design into your Modern Home Interiors and sprucing up your room walls into Creative Wall Paper For Walls by placing this Pattern Wallpaper Design as Custom Wallpaper For Home, Custom Wallpaper For Office, Wallpaper For Bedroom and Living Room Wallpaper

Evergrowing Trend of Black And White Wallpaper

There are many seasonal trends in fashion, style and home interiors, that come and go. Victorian Era revolutionised home decor with the use of Floral Wallpaper. The classical floral wallpaper never completely faded out of fashion. The designs are still used where we are looking for classical home decor or in hotels, banquets and boutiques where the decor is more classical or victorian.

The classical decor gave way to the Retro Wallpaper, Pop and hippie culture of the 60’s and 70’s defined the home interiors during the era. Bright florescent colors, use of multiple colors, bold stripes, squares, circles etc. Geometric Wallpaper Pattern also ruled during this period.

In between came different fashion trends that lasted from a few months to a couple of years and then faded away. Wallpaper has at times reflected the ongoing social upheavel or the political scenario of the period. Cosmopolitan City Scape Wallpaper, Red and Blue Stripes and Stars of the US flag have been frequently used in home decor.


Despite so many trends and upheavels there has been one particular trend which has grown stronger and stronger through the decades. Whether it is Floral Wallpaper, Kids Room Wallpaper, Geometric Pattern Wallpaper, Scenic Wallpaper or Cityscape Wallpaper, there is one trend which is always considered suave and modern, irrespective of the era it is used in.

Isn’t this pretty confusing for you to think of a trend which has always been considered modern in all eras. A trend which has grown stronger, never faded out and the designs in it are the favorites of interior designers, artists and the elite class of the society.

Yes, it is Black And White Wallpaper, the grand master of interior home decor. Although not much in used during the Victorian or Classical eras of 1920’s to 1940’s, when the usage of Black And White Wallpapers was not much in vogue, the trend has grown stronger with every year gone by.


Today Black And White Wallcovering and Custom Black And White Wallpaper has mass appeal and is used most frequently in home decor. From being the favorite of the elite, Black And White Wall Paper has become the favorite of the masses. In fact in a minimalistic home decor concept there is nothing more attractive than a Black And White Wallcovering.

Where you don’t have the scope to use large wallpaper for the whole wall, particularly in small room apartment, you can go for Black and White Canvas Printing. Custom Wallpaper Printing has today created an option whereby you can  get the design developed through your own photographs and if you are artisty type through your own rough sketches.

Custom Printing Of Wallpaper gives you the option to create designs which are exclusive to your home decor and this exclusivity cannot come through any other product available in the market.

Buddha Wallpaper For Wall

This vintage wallpaper pattern illustrates the meditating face of Buddha that will give rise to an utterly mollifying and pacifying environment. This textured wallpaper idea will fill your interiors with exuberance and composure, collectively.

This religious custom wallpaper design of Buddha with typical elongated ears, half closed eyes and well defined eyebrows, reinforces the meditative impression. This monochrome designer wallpaper pattern of Buddha displays a subtle tinge of the earthy tones along with green colored leaves flying in the foreground, making this spiritual custom wall mural a befitting choice to bring home as a wall decor design.


This calm and composed beauty will transform your interiors into a space where only harmony and tranquility resides. To make your interiors look modernistic with a touch of vintage, get this custom wallpaper for home by walls and murals and install it as bedroom wallpaper design, Buddha mural for hallway and living room Buddha wall mural because who wouldn’t wish waking up to a wallpapering that looks extremely charming and captivating as this modern wallpaper idea which can also be used as custom wallpaper for office and custom wall mural for home as the next best alternatives, because our workstation and homes happen to be the major areas of focus when in search of eternal peace of mind.
